Saturday 22 May 2010

Compleation: Ratagan May 8-15, 2010.

May 8: Left home at 8.40, arrived Lee’s house at 9.40. Had another breakfast at his house & then set off at 10.30, arrived Ratagan at 10.30.

May 9: Left Ratagan at 9.05. Arrived GlenBrittle at 10.45. Set off for Sgurr Dearg at about 11, arrived at Inn Pinn at 2.30, after a lunch. Started climbing at 3, on top at 4, then started for home at 4.30, in Glen Brittle at 7.45, very cold and strong wind. Dinner at Sligachan at 8.30, back to Ratagan at 11 after an abortive trip to Cluanie.

May 10: Left Ratagan at 10 en route for Glenelg to drop Lee off as his knee had not recovered. Got held up by a herd of cattle just outside the village, who were being herded in an unusual way~from the herdsman’s car. Not surprisingly this did not work very well and they took ages to pass by. We dropped lee & my car at the ferry terminal car park, and we arrived at Arnisdale at 11 and met up with the others. We set off just after 11 up some very steep ground, and one section of scree, before making the summit at about 2.45. I got the champagne which I had lugged all the way up (maybe that was why I was going so slowly) and celebrated the compleation in the usual style, with booze & loads of photographs. We left at 3.15 am and got back to Arnisdale at about 5.30. I met Lee at the car and we drove back to Ratagan and then on to the Cluanie for a celebration dinner. Thanks everyone for a great day.
I will not be doing another round, & neither will I be climbing another list of mountains again. Real mountaineering starts now!
May 11: Took Lee back to the Cluanie, to meet Andy & Joele who were taking him b to Inverness Airport to catch the flight back to Gatwick. I headed for Am Bahtach set off at 11.00, no point in starting too early. I was going very slowly, clearly I had completed just in time. I put my over trousers on as it started snowing (!) I discovered that I could not do both zips up to the top. Clearly I had put some inches on the waist line since I had last worn them about 6 months ago. I Passed a pair of green willies en route to the top, but no sign of the owner. I still cannot work out the reason for their abandonment. I got back to the car at about 4.15.

May 12: A beautiful day, drove to Totaig. I walked along the coastal path to Glenelg for a while, and then went into a broch just off the path, quite big with a very low entrance. I managed to crack my skull on the doorway on the way out. Painful. Walked back to the car and then drove to Glenelg, near to the ferry terminal. I read my book and basked in the sun. I saw a sea Eagle and chatted to the locals. Back to Ratagan.

May 13: Decide to climb Sgurr Na Moraich at the Morvich end of Glen Licht. Very steep ascent, started at 11.45, summit at 2.30 in another snow shower. I then descend by following the course of the Allt a Chruinn, I then followed the path back to the road, and got back to the car at 5.15.

May 14: I decided to return home a day early. I left Ratagan at 9.15, Stirling at 1.15, than home 10 pm, a very good journey, no hold ups, amazing.